The services of CASON Engineering Ltd are industrial design and system integration. Operation of industrial process control and information systems. Design, manufacture and installation of industrial electronic and communication devices. Development, manufacture, installation, trade and maintenance of on-line and laboratory analysers and measuring devices. It covers the development, installation and operation of fleet management tools and systems.
The management of the Company expects all its employees to consider quality, environmental protection, work safety, information security and energy efficiency as decisive in its operation, at all stages of the service and all its related activities.
Management is committed to the requirements of MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2015, MSZ EN ISO 14001: 2015, MSZ 28001: 2008, MSZ ISO / IEC 27001: 2014 and MSZ EN ISO 50001: 2012 based on business strategy and policy to operate an appropriate integrated management system by an independent party.
The company expects from every employee to understand the integrated system policy and to support, continuously develop and sustain the processes controlled by the integrated management system, and to improve the company’s environmental, MEB, information security and energy efficiency performance.
The purpose of the system is to deliver the services of the Company to the buyers according to the requirements of the society, with high professional quality standards and protection of the environment, work safety, information security and energy efficiency, with the security of the applicable legislation.
The objective of our company is to carry out its work in accordance with the following criteria:
- fully satisfying the needs of the customers, gaining and retaining their satisfaction as the decisive element of our business policy;
- focusing on good quality and the complexity of our services in obtaining the services needed to deliver the services;
- to maintain the professional standards of our staff, to further improve the quality of our work, to continuously improve their professional skills, to observe the requirements of the environmental and occupational health and safety regulations, and in parallel with the professional education and training of employees;
- we have defined the security levels (classes) for IT systems, data and information to achieve protection proportional to the risks to IT resources and data, and to ensure that the security levels requirements are met;
- by systematic energy management, we continuously improve our energy performance, including energy efficiency, consumption and consumption, thereby reducing energy costs and indirectly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other associated environmental impacts.
Érd, 2016.01.04.
Tamás Horváth